"Musta Lost My Head..."

Went for my first follow-up Doctor visit today since starting the Pegasys medication.
Africa hot in beautiful downtown Newark, NJ today.
Da 'Ol Sammy Davis Jr. Liver Center wuz almost empty!
Got a new Dr. today.
An Indian dood who just smiled a lot, kept saying I'm doin' Ok, and asked me to spell the name of the medication they prescribed for my Hep C...
This is a guy who went to collage, studied medicine, studied the English language, is a full fledged doctor who's now going for a specialty in Liver medicine...
asking ME... how to spell the primary medication given for a major liver illness.
Wutz wrong wit dis picture... ???
Also he said they didn't have my bloodwork back yet, told me things totally contrary to what my original doctor told me about making sure I come every 2-3 weeks because the medicine can lower my blood levels and cause a heart attack, and that my blood has to be closely monitored... and I should be very aggressive about my scheduling.
This new guy iz talking like I should come in every 1-2 months...
So basically you get to see one of the underling doctors, and they go over your shit, and then take you by the hand to see da "Big Kahuna" Liver specialist who runs da joint. He is this little freckle-faced, Black Albino Jewish looking guy wit a bad combover, who kinda is sleazy and looks like some tiny, fish-mouthed Jabba the Hut behind his huge desk covered with prescription stamps.
(Last time I was there, my original Dr. and I waited for him outside his office to finish a phone conversation, and I overheard him talking about all the kickback checks he gets from a local pharmacy from his referring patients there... so... you be da judge...)
He barely listens to what your Dr. says, as he signs copies of your paperwork, then if need be, gives you a prescription with one of his many prescription stamp machines.
So I asked him about the scheduling of visits, and he says in his Thurston Howell III voice...
"Oh... we don't schedule that often... every month is sufficient..."
So if I turn up dead... somebody please sue Dr. Leevy at da Sammy Davis Liver Center of Newark...
So he also asked me how I was doing, and I told him I feel crappy a lot, and feel like I got my period, and am weepy one minute and down & bitchy the next...
So against my protest, he put me on looney pills.
First time I'm on an anti-depressant since I wuz 18 yrs. old.
He said for me to try 'em for awhile, and that he by law had to prescribe them, because this bugjuice I'm shooting up every week can possibly make me wanna do a half-gaynor off a bridge someplace.
So... wut da fuck...
Spec sheet says they're also for bedwetting and obcessive/compulsive disorders...
So I guess I won't piss myself while I'm dreaming about the fact that I'm going full tilt BOZO over this fucking computer that I've been fighting with over the past month...!!!
(I'll get it fixed... really... honest... or I'll die trying...!!!)
I took one earlier, and had a lot more to say here...
but for some weird reason now...
I don't seem to give a shit anymore, and I no longer wanna catalog my entire DVD collection...

he didn't put you on lexapro, by any chance? (that's what they gave me for ocd. made me wanna do a half gainer off a bridge. so i stopped. no suicidal thoughts since.)
Dana takes them though. no probs.
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