"Lest I Not Forget..."

Well...da website's DONE.
Thank da Lord!
I'm OK at webdesign, but not exactly a "seasoned pro" at it yet.
I undercharged my client for this last one, but learned da hard way.
It was a bit tricky in some places, and I put in more time than I thought I would have for the money...
but I think it came out rather OK.
Got some minor things to tweak, because being a member of NA & AA myself, I spotted some tiny outpoints in the text they gave me about their group. And so I brought it to their attention, and they have to vote on the changes that I suggested.
Went shopping in Manhattan yesterday with the dough I earned from doing the site. Came back with a bag full 'o stuff... just for me! WooHoo!!!
I haven't gone shopping for myself, and come back with more than one item in ages... it feels good.
Like my buddy Morty says... having a couple of Benjamins in yer pocket changes your whole outlook on life!
So...I got me some summer threads!
All this mention of Kelly, and babies, and Father's Day...
lest I not forget I have another kid... Stephie.
She's my lil honey at home. While Kelly has traveled the globe, joined the service, is kinda a tiny bit more "nose to da grindstone" in certain areas and makes me proud as Hell... Stephie seems to be taking after me... and is kinda bobbing around in the "Ocean of Life" like a buoy. A free spirit going wherever life takes her.
And I'm equally as proud of her. Mainly because she has a deep down sweetness & innocence that just makes ya warm & fuzzy.
She's 23, went to culinary school for a bit, is a cook, and works for an executive cafeteria in a large international firm banking firm.
She has a boyfriend, but I don't think has found her soulmate yet.
I dunno. She'll find her niche someday.
But like Kelly, she's also my baby girl. She can be a bitch on wheels at times too...but for the most part... she's generous and sweet.
If there's one thing in my life that turned out right... it's my kids.
I'm proud of them, and I love 'em to pieces!
And Stephie's my movie buddy too. Especially horror movies!
So... I got a date for Father's Day...
my other lil baby datz all grown up...is takin' her dear old Doodie to see "Batman Begins" in Mahattan on Sunday... in IMAX!
She knows wut Doodie likes...
I'm diggin' around for my utility belt, cape and pointed ears as I type...
"To the Batpoles!"
"Nah-nah, nah-nah, nah-nah, nah-nah..."

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