"I Want An Ice Cream..."

I don't feel good.
Hadda go out to Newark today, to da Sammy Davis Jr. Liver Center to get my bi-monthly bloodwork done, and get my script filled for my Interferon syringes.
It was like 98 degrees outside.
This bugjuice I'm takin' kinda sneeks up on me every so often.
Like just when I "think" I'm doing & feelin' kinda OK...
it turns around and says...
"Oh really muthafuka...???"
Last nite I felt like I was in Hell... sick and on da phone blubberin' to Adrianna like I wuz a lil schoolgirl with her first big menstrual period.
I was getting emotional at TV commercials.
Felt a bit better today... but not so great tonite.
And my computer is on drugs.
I have no idea what's going on with it.
Worked fine for awhile, then the sound started crackling.
I'm heavy into sound on my PC. Music, games, movies, etc.
Need it.
Tried fixing it for 4-6 hours. Still didn't woik.
Rebooted my machine last time... wouldn't start.
Original error message came BACK.
Got disgusted, and have the desk pulled out from the wall for the past few days so I can get to the back of the PC.
It's been like that now for days.
Today... outta the blue I decided to give it a try... it started up.
I feel like shit.
I almost don't give a flying rat's pitoot... about anything right now.
Long weekend with no Adrianna coming up, no money, computer on shaky ground...
I want an ice cream cone and a long nap...

miss ya, dood.
writing ya now.
get better
don't have to do this again.
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