"Die Fledermaus"

OK... so it inn't ezactically easy to keep up wit a daily blog/journal etc. I could post this as a "late entry for Sunday"...
but then wut if I write something tonite...???
And I'm saying this as if... someone is actually readin' dis horsepucky I been writin' here. If I'm lucky...I got an audience of maybe ... two. Me and maybe one other person...
But hey... it's really just for me anyhoo.
So I went to see the new Batman movie yesterday...
My daughter took me to see it for Farter's Day.
As Joey on "Blossom" used to say... "Whoa!".
(do I put a period after that last quotation mark or wut...?)
As you'll see...punctuation... is all relative to me.
The movie, for lack of better woids, was awesome!
The Michael Keaton flicks were great... but if the tag line for Superman was "It'll make you believe a man can fly...", well then this movie should have a line sorta like...
"It'll make you believe a man can... um...be obcessive/compulsive and look good in a rubber suit..."
(I dunno... wuddo I know...???)
It should have some kinda nifty catchphrase.
It really gets ballzdeep (my latest favorite expression) into da Batguy.
How he got that way, what drives him, how he came to decide on the bat thing, where he got his gadgets & costume from...
All that neato stuff that they would save for special issues of the comic books when I was a kid.
I stopped reading comics about 30 yrs. ago.
And I was a "DC" kinda kid.
Marvel comics were a bit too "out there" for me back then. I mean, I bought & liked Spiderman, the Fantastic Four, and Capt. America and all... but it got really weird for me, with stuff like the Silver Surfer, Thor, and all that fantasy/sci-fi stuff.
Back then... I liked my superheroes old-fashioned, in tights wit a cape, emblem, etc.
And I had TONS of comic books. In great condition, and taking up so much space my old lady made me throw a lot of them out.
(if I only knew back then, what I know now...)
Then somewhere like in the late 70's, early 80's... comic books got all avant-garde and esoteric and shit. And ya couldn't go down to your local newsstand anymore to buy 'em. You went to "comic shops", where they wouldn't let you open the comic and peruse the inside, because the were all in lil plastic bags for "collectors". And when I was a kid... comics were like 15 to 25 cents. And every so often, there would be a "big issue"... and that was like 75 cents to a dollar.
Later on... comics went up and up and up... and they made things called "graphic novels" about Batman, etc... for like 15 bucks or more! They turned it into a big industry.
One that makes a LOT of cash.
But somewhere along the line... I dunno, it just got different.
And they took all the fun out of it. Like a lot of things in life... it just got tainted and jaded somehow to me.
We saw the movie in the city, and it had a major comic shop across the street... "Forbidden Planet".
We stopped in for a few minutes to have a look around.
They have figurines & these "resin kits" nowadays as well. They run upwards of $125. bucks for these babys. We used to call 'em "models". They cost like $3.00 at your local 5 and dime...
But anyways... back to da movie...
It was very dark, gritty, and realistic... with great acting, and especially... an outstanding cast.
Christian Bale is a convincingly obsessed, driven and semi-nutty Batman.
Michael Caine as "Alfred" was fantastic, and the other roles by Liam Neeson, Morgan Friedman, and Gary Oldman were good as well. The effects were great, the storyline was excellent, and very believable. Makes ya wanna go out and be a superhero, as if it were possible given the right skills and cashflow.
I couldn't really find any real flaws in it, except for three things...
ya don't really get a good look at da batsuit. Batman flips, and kicks, and kungfu's his way around so fast... he just really looks like "Blackblurman" in a lot of scenes. Which... in a way, kinda adds to the whole mythical/phantom-esque type scenario I guess.
And there isn't really a "Theme music" for da poor guy. The music is good and all... but it's no John Williams "standout recognizable " theme music score.
And finally... there's not too many "signature", standout, take your breath away kinda scenes in it. You know... like when the original Batman flew the batplane up against the moon, or Luke Skywalker stood on the hill with the sunrise, and the music swelled up, Or like when Superman first hit stood there in his Fortress of Solitude, and ya heard the theme song...
"Da, da, da-da, da-da...da-da, da-da... DA da-da...!"
They did have one scene where Bruce Wayne faced his fears, and stood there as thousands of bats flew around him.
And they had another "moneyshot" from the posters, where he swoops down in flight with his "bat-parachute cape thingy"... but they were all kinda fast scenes. But they also included the one (rather fast), obligatory "gearing up" scene.
Yanno... open safe to reveal mask... gloves..."swoosh-swoosh!"... utility belt "click!"... weapons check..."click, click, click!".
Like Stephie had said... the scene like that in the George Clooney movie... actually showed off Batman's ass.
But other than that... I give Batman Begins 2 pointed ears up!
I'm just finding it very hard to push this spare tire of mine into these rubber tights to go to work tonite...

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