
So after like 2 weeks of installing harddrives, new operating systems, all my programs, data, updates and customization...
I finally get up and running smoothly again...
then 2 days ago it all DIED!
Got some kinda pre-Windows bootup error message about my "BIOS not being installed because no drives are attached"...
So I'm fah-REEKIN' out!
(and I don't feel so hot either...)
Then I get all sorts of advice from people who either don't have a clue but think they do, or are trying to help but can't... about flashing my bios, changing controller cards, reinstalling Windows, spinning around, grabbing my nutz, and walking backwards chanting "otto"... and various other weird stuff.
So to get on the net to research the problem...
I needed another computer.
And the only PC I have access to...
is my old PC in my daughter & ex-wife's house...
in da next town over.
So being broke... I gotta take my mom's laundry cart, truck up dere by bus.. walk a bunch of blocks from da bus to da house...and bring dat puppy home again.
I get it home, start it up, jack in my internet cable modem...
and it DOESN'T WORK!
Aaaaaahhhh...! Good ol Windows 98!
I give it a rest till the next day, and find out... I need my Windows 98 disks to get the net running!
BACK up to da wife's house by bus... in da Africa, Tarzan type heat... to fetch da disks.
But after getting home and wrestling with it yet again...
it STILL don' wanna woik.
So after exhausting all possiblilities, decide...
"Hey...if these cable people want me as a customer...
they'll help me!"
But after an hour on da phone wit da cable guy...
dat don' woik either.
I give up!
Almost in tears... I say a prayer to Our Lady of the Diode... and then putz around a bit more... MY GOD! I GOT DA NET BACK!
So I write my favorite geek newsgroup... and these guys take a bit to answer... but it's not really helping, and the answers are weird and waaaay too complicated and over my head...
I'm sunk!
48 weeks sick on Interferon...with no computer or internet...
Lemme just cash my chips in now!
Almost in tears... I decide... lemme see if I can't monkey around in my BIOS, and fuck wit da settings again.
I switch over to the other computer, fire it up...
Did resetting my bios actually help before, and maybe it just took time to... ummm..."Set"...?
I'm perplexed...
and think I just had a quasi-electronic religious experience.
Or maybe... it was just gremlins...???

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