"Getting Closer..."

Just a quick post just to keep this thang goin'...
Gotta meet a client later to finalize his webpage design.
Been talking mostly over da phone, and thru email.
Getting closer to finishing it up, and gettin' paid.
Maybe...he may have some money for me today... ?
(Yay! Money! Was starting to forget what dat stuff was like!)
Took the "iMood" current mood thingy off for now. I really like it, but this is a pre-packaged template I'm using here at Blogger. I can do straight-up HTML type stuff...but this template is in some strange Klingon CSS type crap that's completely foreign to me. Can't figure out how to add the basic HTML code to it, so that the mood thing can be placed where I want it. So the way I had it, changing the mood would change the lil gizmo on all posts...
instead of for each single day.
Oh well...will figure it out later.
Still caught up in a newsgroup flame war.
Try as I may...I still get caught up in these things. I go on a newsgroup asking simple questions, and inevitably...some asshole answers me with some jerkoff comment, I answer him back with one... and so it goes... a clash of halfwits!
And these guys think they're literary geniuses, and cutting edge comedians & insult kings.
So they're either trying to put you down for bad spelling or grammer, or going on & on about how much they "put you in your place" or how much they "owned" you.
Is it just me and my middle-aged-ness...or does anyone else out there wanna just smack da ever-lovin' piss outta every pimple-faced lil douchebag that uses that term "owned", or talks in "l33t 5p34k"...?
It's like...
"1f u c4n r34d th1s u r34lly n33d t0 g37 l41d!"
I wanna just ring their necks till they make dat Bugs Bunny cartoon headshaking noise...
But...it's me own fault. Like I learned a long time ago...
"Arguing with anonymous strangers on the Internet is a sucker's game
because they almost always turn out to be, or to be indistinguishable from...self-righteous sixteen-year-olds possessing infinite amounts of free time."
But...sometimes I get caught up in it all...silly wabbit.
Hmmm...this post turned out longer than I imagined it would be.
Gonna try to post a new picture of mine for each post.
Hope ya likes 'em.
Anyhoo... time to hit da showers, pack up me marbles, and head for da train to meet da client.
Wish me luck...!

hey dad that's messed up,cuz i can read that line and apparently i did get laid cuz your gonna be a granddad again. haha
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