"And So The Clock Ticks..."

Had my first visit to the St. Mary's Mental Health Center yesterday.
Mostly just an eval for another therapist whom I'll see in Sept.
Feels good.
I'm now officially a bonafide nutcase...
but I'm gettin' better.
I'm using every tool in da toolbox these days to get well.
Also out of the blue... my daughter in the Air Force in Georgia called me.
She heard thru the grapevine (my other daughter) that Adrianna had bailed out on me for an old plumber with a wad of cash and a motorcycle... and that I was extremely sad.
She said her boyfriend was getting deployed to the Middle East next month.
So she said she wanted me to come down to Georgia to be with her, hang out, and be there when she got her next sonigram, cuz she was sad & afraid she'd be alone for it.
So I get a much needed vacation from around here, and to be a dad and grandfather.
And while I'm down there... I'll finally get to meet my Georgia sweetie Sara Jane in person...!
How cool iz dat...?
Also yesterday, I took Mom to the oncologist (cancer doctor)
Basically, after going thru all the options of chemo, radiation, etc.
we found out exactly where things stand.
I rolled Mom in her wheelchair down to the riverside park, we discussed it all for awhile, and came to the conclusion...
we're not gonna go with treatment, cuz it's pretty much not worth it as far as the quality of the rest of her remaining days.
We're gonna turn it over to God...
We talked about what dress she wanted to be laid out in,
held each other's hand...
and watched as a large Carnival Cruise ship rolled out to sea.
And so the clock ticks...

sara jane thinks it's pretty cool =)
praying for both you and your Mom.
listening to that clock.
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