"Random Randomities..."

[Post concept blatantly stolen from good friend Cherdoo]
Random things about me...
have a tiny permanent hole on the palm of my right hand, into which I can stick a toothpick about 1/4 inch.
have been a "night person" since around age 12, waiting for my mom to close the tavern, and have fought sleep since. But once asleep... go into a coma.
have secretly always idolized Elvis while he was, and then when he wasn't "cool"... and still do now that he's "cool" again.
can swallow a handful of needles or razor blades, a length of thread...
then pull them back up threaded.
have an extremely hard time going past a Best Buy, Circuit City, CompUSA, or any other computer/electronics store... without going in and "becoming one with the Borg" for about 45 min. to an hour.
can live on any type of pork.
still get da "willys", and damn near wet myself whenever I hear Linda Blair's voice in The Exorcist.
have injured myself & broken more bones than Robbie Knievel.
once chanted "Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo" for about 13 hours straight in hopes of "spiritual cleansing" (but actually in an attempt to pick up one of the Buddist chicks I had met that day), and wound up being blessed & recieving a rare Buddist sacrament scroll later that night from the equivalent of the Buddist "Pope" in one of his even rarer USA visits.
weep at awards shows.
have an uncanny knack for stating the obvious, and asking stupid questions.
Polish genes inherited from mom I guess... she's dat way too.
love the smell of Vick's Vapo-Rub.
have a tenacious "idiot/savant-like" aptitude for solving most computer problems...
but have no formal training, and haven't a clue about what I'm doing most times...
yet inexplicably do it somehow.
once ate a chicken, banana and peanut butter sandwich...
and loved it. (but didn't poop for a week later.)
am a complete neat freak.
have met several celebrities, but have never been a "star struck" type person...except for the time I met John Lennon.
(a month or so before he died.)
have a HUGE tolerance to large amounts of pain, yet am a complete baby with things like papercuts, rashes, and the flu.
can push a lit cigarette thru a quarter.
have a very sick & warped sense of humour, and at times... will laugh uncontrollably at some small stupid joke, long after it's no longer funny, and until I begin to sound like a maniacal Ricky Ricardo... with tears streaming down my eyes.
am a total sucker for hype, even though I know better.
especially movie hype.
once found a "giant light bulb filled with steel wool" in an abandoned theatrical lighting company.
(which turned out to be a huge flashbulb...)
I screwed it into a small closet light fixture,
looked up,
flipped the switch...
and thought momentarily...
that they "dropped the bomb".
I got an instant sunburn... and that damned large "spot" stayed in front of my eyes for hours...
can forgive more easily than I can forget.
[still working on that...]
hate to be alone... yet at times... can be amazingly comfortable with it, and with myself.
can snort milk, and make it squirt out my eye.
(NOT a magic trick... just pure talent.)
have difficulty understanding why it is, that when you talk to God, they call it prayer...
but when you get answers... they call it schizophrenia...
have never "acted my age"... even as a kid.

I love the light bulb story!
Till today, I crack-up just thinking about IT!
I'm confused by blogging...
but my short attention span couldn't leave what was written by you.
Hopefully you won't get this "comment" for 29 more days.
Poetry can come from explaining yourself...well done.
Christmas is just around the corner. No time to go to the mall...then do your shopping online. We sell everything that the mall sells. Shop today!
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