
Kadence Dorothy Salinas!
Born on February 9th, 2006 @ 3:38 PM.
Weighing in at 6 lbs./14 ozs. and measures 20 in. tall.
"Give da little lady a hand...!"
At the time of this post... da lil bugger is aproximately 12 hours old.
Both Mommy and Kadee are doing fine and should come home sometime on Saturday.
"Auntie Stephie" flew down to Georgia and was also present at her much awaited arrival.
(I hear that during birth, she was bawlin' more than lil Kadee was!)

And lemme tell yaz...
this "Ol Grandpappy" couldn't be more prouder of his little girl Kelly on becoming a mommy!
And I'm proud of my son-in-law D.J. as well.
I couldn't of handpicked a better guy myself to take over the watch of looking after my lil girl for me.
Love yaz both!

Can't wait to see my lil grandmonkey in person!
Good job guys!