"A Curveball..."

Hello again my cheeky wee monkeys...!
Long time no see.
This is my first foray at doing my blog from an internet cafe computer.
Weirdly foreign to say the least.
Well, turns out I haven't left for da south yet.
Bunch of crap that slowed me down...
waiting for insurances checks, doctor appointments, paying off my driver's license fines, and a bunch of other red tape to clear.
My biggest obstacle has been my own slow assed way of doing things.
(I can be da "King of Procrastination"!)
So basically it looks like I'll be up here for a couple more weeks till I pass my driving tests, etc.
But all in all, things have for the most part been... OK.
I lost over 70 lbs. the past months, and am down to a nice fightin' weight of around 170 lbs..
I got a chance to go to da beach.
(Still peeling...)
Got a cellphone thanks to my daughter's friend Misty.
Went up and stayed with my best friend Morty for a few days.
He drove me to a regional DMV up by him to pay off my license and it was fun staying with him.
We bullshitted, caught up with stuff, went to meetings, and he presented me with a beautiful, special color glazed 10 yr. NA cleantime coin.
I'll treasure it forever.
And I also seem to have become Stephie's personal "Mr. Belvedere"...
cleaning, cooking, shopping etc.
But dat comes wit da territory, and ya never stop of being dad I guess.
When I visited Kelly in Ga. last year I did the same thing.
Guess I'm an obcessive/compulsive neat freak.
Gonna make someone a lovely wife one day.
And it's good spending time with Stephie, even though we sometimes bitch and moan at each other.
And just when I started getting used to things calming down and kinda getting quietly lonely and still again... life threw me...
"a curveball".
A few weeks back, I started recieving email from a girl in Maryland.
She found me thru a Hep C messageboard, and then linked to my websites, and to this blog.
She said she was intrigued by my sites, and loved this blog.
It was the first blog that she had ever read, though she admittedly felt as though she was some sort of "voyuer" looking into my life.
But said she was nevertheless tempted to go on reading.
I told her that this was my own weird kinda
"creative outlet/theraputic life journal", and that I posted it for everyone to read should they stumble upon it.
My life is an open book, and I'm not ashamed of anything.
Nor am I too shy to speak about it either most times.
We started emailing each other back and forth over the next weeks, and became thick as thieves.
The two of us have a ton in common, and for reasons that escapes dis "Joisey Boy"...
she said she was somehow was kinda "inspired" by the way I write.
Go figure.
(To ME... I'm about as "inspiring" as a fart in a hurricane. But I'm glad somebody reads dis hoopla that I write, and enjoys it.)
So even though it sounded like a crazy & impulsive thing to do, because I'm moving down south soon and she will be going thru all sorts of stuff come September... she decided...
she just hadda meet me.
Last week, she asked me if I wouldn't mind her driving up to hang out for the day.
Wow! A more than 4 hr. drive up from Maryland just to meet my monkey ass!
Kids, I can tell ya... I was more than flattered, and was even more than excited to meet my new friend!
I couldn't use anymore exclamation marks in dis here blog entry to show just how thrilled I was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
( I think I just broke da exclamation key...)
So I guess in a way, you could say she's my first "website/blog groupie"... (?)
(I always knew something good would come outta spending so much time in cyberspace!)
So Saturday she came up, and met "in poyson" for the first time.
I had seen pictures of her over the past week via email,
but when she got out of the car... all I could think of was ...
And though she wears these light to dark lenses in her glasses, her eyes are stunning.
But I felt like some "Loungechair Lothairio" constantly commenting about them.
Like any minute she was gonna say, "Cut da corny cliche crap, willya?"
But they really do have an amazing glowing effect to them.
Almost neon at times.
We spent the whole day together in the city.
We covered everywhere from lunch in Chinatown & Little Italy, to lying in the grass talking for hours in Central Park, and then finally strolling down Broadway to Times Square, and back home to my place.
We hit it off amazingly, and really got to know each other more.
Ya know your really comfortable with someone, when you find yourself in each other's arms talking all night...
and she's peeling your sunburnt skin...
and your letting her!
(Flaky 'ol me...)
I felt really bad cuz I had walked her pretty lil butt off, and then she had the long drive home.
But after all was said and done, we got some power naps the next day...
and now both have gained a good friend.
I'm coming out a an extremely long funk.
And she will be going thru her own personal wall of fire over the next few months.
But I know that she'll get thru with flying colors.
We seem to give each other strength and inspiration.
(I certainly know that she does for me.)
I tell her she's like one 'o dem dere "Amazon Wimmenz".
(an inside joke between us for reasons of which I'll keep private.)
She's certainly hit me in the ass with one of her arrows,
I'll tell ya dat much...
Ol' Morty predicted this a while back when I was pitchin' a bitch about being lonely with no one to talk to or play with.
He said, "Watch... at the eleventh hour just before you go down to Georgia, your gonna meet someone. And it's gonna throw ya for a loop."
Well... he was right. I got hit with a "curveball"... right between da eyes.
Anyhoo... my dime just ran out here at da Internet Cafe...
I don't know where this will go down the road, but one thing I DO know...
I now have a wonderful new friend, an ear to listen to me, a shoulder to lean on,
and an "Amazon" to watch over me...

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